Thursday, December 14, 2006

The rocks in my head

Well, it's been awhile since my last post (oddly enough I feel as if I'm in the confessional at church). The rocks in my head got loose and have been wreaking havoc on me. The official diagnosis is benign positional vertigo and let me tell ya, it ain't fun. Think of your worst drunk/hangover combo with no end in sight. Yeah, good times. NO!! Unfortunately, it has included a couple of hospital visits and mucho drugs to finally come to this conclusion. Many thanks to the docs of Ohio Head and Neck Surgeons for bringing me back to the land of the living yesterday. My treatments won't be done until next week, but at least I can finally walk, speak, and watch tv without feeling like I am going to lose my cookies. Today has been the first day that I can look at the computer enough to actually post, and so here I am. I'm ba-aack!

1 comment:

Mombi said...

Glad to see you back in the land of the living. Love, love, love you!
